Thursday, April 30, 2009


In preparation for May Day tomorrow, we borrowed a very cute idea from Kristie at Earthschooling. We prepared a Fairy May Day celebration and set everything up in our budding butterfly garden. The tiny caterpillar babies (we are now up to 6 ranging from a couple millimeters to almost an inch long) are eager to witness tonight's festivities ;-) Boo Boo picked out the food: tiny jibbles of kiwi, peaches and strawberries; flax seeds and sunflower seeds. She placed the tasty treats in tiny shells for dishes and then properly set the little wooden table we created. Then she carefully arranged the tiny heart chairs around the table. Edible flowers, seashells and seaglass were added to create a festive pathway to the maypole. I wonder what we might find early in the morning ...