Friday, August 28, 2009

Getting Ready for the Year

Well, I've been a bit busy every evening over the summer months. I've been planning Boo Boo's "Kindergarten" year. Nothing too serious, but a whole lot of fun, free play, nature walks, gardening, cooking/baking, holiday and festival planning, coloring with block crayons, wet on wet watercolor painting, singing, dancing, puppets and stories, handwork ... WOW! Now that my planning is well underway, I've also been organizing our supplies and creating lists of what still needs to be obtained. Mommy has also been learning a great deal. For the past few nights, I've been working on my block crayon coloring skills. The DVD from Sigi is amazing. Within days I feel like I have a good grasp on how to illustrate stories and bring images to life. I also realized the need for keeping these sweet little block crayons clean! From an earlier post, Rainy Day, you may remember that Boo Boo and I found quite a few things to do one stormy day. One of those projects was the beginning of a crayon pouch. We haven't had many stormy days since, so it has taken me a bit to finish the project. But, now it is finished. This pouch holds our set of 24 block crayons. However, the skills I'm working on right now only involve 3 colors: red, yellow and blue ... creating the magic of how these colors play together to create all the rest. So, my next project will be a mini version of the crayon pouch: 6 pockets to hold both mine and Boo Boo's set of 3 primary colors. Okay, so now I'm off to learn the penny whistle! Thanks Jodi for your wonderful curriculum. I can't wait to dive in. Hmmm ... I wonder if that sound machine in the other room is going to be enough to drown out my learning and not wake up Boo Boo??? I'll keep you posted :-)